Maslow's hierarchy of needs claimed that all people must first have all of our basic needs met, then must have security and safety before we can strive to reach our maximum potential. These "basic" needs can be defined as food, clothing, air, water, shelter, employment, and social connections.

At Promise for the North, our belief is that everyone in the world, but especially in a well-developed, rich nation such as Canada, should have:

  • A good-sized home. They shouldn't feel that if they choose to have another child that they won't have room to grow. If they outgrow the home they are currently in, there should be bigger homes available for them to buy, rent. Overcrowding leads to both physical and mental health issues. It is the leading cause of people not being able to achieve their full potential. It is impossible to believe in your dreams when you are living in overcrowded conditions.
  • A home that is well maintained and provides a healthy environment for the family. Today many homes in the North are full of black mould, causing health issues for the families. Many families in government housing wait months to have needed repairs done. Those that live in non-government housing struggle to find the funds, the material, and the craft to affect the needed repairs.  Tuberculosis is on the rise. 
  • Easy and secure, reliable access to clean drinking water. Every home in every community should have running water. Water that is both filtered and treated. Lack of access causes serious health issues and is a massive problem in the North. 
  • Easy and secure, reliable access to healthy food. Meat, fruits, and vegetables should be easily accessible. Lack of access to healthy food is contributing significantly to health problems throughout the North.
  • Easy and secure, reliable access to good quality clothing for all family members, including growing children.
  • Opportunities to earn a living. Jobs that can provide life-long careers. Education opportunities to gain the skills needed to get these jobs and grow beyond them. 
  • A community that provides all of the basics any community should have, including:
    • Administrative, police, fire protection, and community maintenance teams.
    • Sufficient medical and dental resources to provide all non-urgent care and many urgent care services.
    • Sufficient schools to provide good faculty-to-student ratios at all grade levels, and providing sufficient education to allow students to be successful in college, technical school, as well as in the daily aspects of life.
    • Sufficient connection to the outside world to support shipping all of the materials needed in the community, both for daily life, and for growing the community. Whether this means air, sea, rail, or road, a community can't become prosperous and grow if it can't receive goods and materials.

Promise for the North has positioned ourselves to help all levels of government make all of these things a reality for every community in the territories. As a charity we can use the concept of "one-thirds" to make all of the needed projects happen. Simply put "one-thirds" means:

  • We can reduce the cost of every project by one-third by getting things done at a charitable rate.
  • We can get one-third of the original cost from donors and sponsors.
  • Leaving the government to only pay one-third of their original estimate.

Take a $750,000 home. We can reduce the cost to $500,000, then get $250,000 of this from sponsors and donors, leaving the government's cost at just $250,000! This reduction in government burden will help the government get more done for our people, not just in the territories, but throughout Canada!

The combined populations of Yukon, NWT, and Nunavut are less than 1% of the total population of Canada. But the funds needed to complete all of the desperately needed projects far exceeds 1% of the federal government's budget. We can help the government stretch their investment three-fold! We can help execute all of the long-overdue projects to enable every community to thrive!

With this never before tried concept, we CAN, and WILL, eliminate:

  • Poor housing conditions
  • Overcrowding
  • Lack of reliable access to clean drinking water
  • Lack of reliable access to healthy food of all types
  • Lack of reliable access to good quality, well-made clothes
  • High levels of unemployment due to lack of good jobs and lack of good training opportunities
  • Poor health conditions due to lack of medical and dental facilities with well-trained staffs to serve the community.
  • The mental, emotional, and physical stress families feel every day as they struggle to thrive.

We will do all of this, and do it all quickly, because it simply must be done.  The burden of the difficult living conditions in the Northern Territories can and must be eased. We promise to work with every single community to raise the bar, one project at a time.